jueves, 1 de marzo de 2012


Aprobados por el ICAB los nuevos requisitos para tramitar la adopción en Filipinas.

1.- Tener ambos miembros de la pareja estudios hasta el actual Bachillerato completo o el antiguo COU.

2.- Las familias adoptantes han de tener unos ingresos anuales mínimos de 40.000 dólares.

3.- Sólo se admitirá un máximo de dos divorcios para poder tramitar en Filipinas.

4.- Las familias monoparentales sólo podran adoptar niños de 9 a 15 años.

WHEREAS, after due deliberation the Board resolved that the following specific eligibility requirements must be met by applicants to the Philippine Intercountry Adoption program:

1. Educational requirement for PAPs: PAPs should have at least a high school diploma.
2. Income requirement PAPs should have a minimum annual income of US$ 40,000.00.
3. PAPs with history of divorce: Since the stability of marriage will ensure the permanency of the placement, a maximum of two divorce histories will be accepted.
4. Single applicants are resources for older children between 9-15 years old.

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED AS IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, that the abovementioned specific eligibility requirements for PAPs will be adapted.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the resolution will apply to PAPs who do not have a suitability certificate and approval received by ICAB as of March 2012.

Comunicado Oficial (pulsar para ver documento)