El ICAB nos ha enviado un escrito explicando en qué situación se encuentra el proceso de adopción en Filipinas, adjuntamos traducción y original:
Filipinas no está cerrando su proceso de adopción internacional.
Considerando el número incongruente de familias aprobadas y pendientes de asignación y el número de niños disponibles para adopción internacional (que han aumentado radicalmente la espera), Filipinas está ejerciendo simplemente su responsablilidad en consonancia con los principios enunciados en la Convención de la Haya de 1993 y de los debates en una reciente comisión especial.
Desde hace un año y medio, el tiempo de espera es de unos 2 años y medio. Filipinas tiene una política de país que sólo acepta solicitudes de futuros padres que estén únicamente tramitando en nuestro país, así que creemos injusto para estos futuros padres que el ICAB esté aceptando numerosas solicitudes que no van a poder ser atendidas en un tiempo razonable.
Hasta que Filipinas sea capaz de atender a la actual lista de espera tendremos que, mientras tanto, suavizar la aceptación de solicitudes de adopción internacional.
From: Bernadette Abejo
Date: 2010/10/23
Subject: Re: Close Adoption Philippines?
To: Batang Masaya
The Philippines is not closing its intercountry adoption process. Considering the in-congruent pending number of approved families in its present roster and the number of children cleared for international adoptions, (which has radically increased the wait process) the Philippines is merely exercising its responsibility consistent with the principles espoused by the Hague Convention of 1993 and the discussions in the recent Special Commission.
From its one year wait period a year and a half ago, current wait times now are at two and a half (2 1/2) years. Since the Philippines has a one country policy, that is, it only accepts applications from PAP's who apply solely to the Philippines, it is unfair to the PAP's for the ICAB to accept numerous applications that it cannot possibly service within a reasonable time.
Until the Philippines is capable of attending to the present roster it will in the meantime, temper acceptance of applications for international adoptions.
From: Batang Masaya
Subject: Close Adoption Philippines?
Bernadette Abejo
Date: Thursday, October 21, 2010, 6:13 PM
Dear Bernardette B. Abejo,
In Spain is commented that the ICAB has send a communiqué or that it is having conversations with the partner agencies saying that there is foreseen that is going to close the adoption in The Philippines during a time to avoid the accumulation of processes, and that the closing is going to be in November.
The new it is true or it is a false rumor?; if the news was true, how it would affect this to the families that are preparing the process to order The Philippines, they will have a few months to make the process or the adoption is going to be closed immediately?. There is a great expectation in knowing if it will affect them or not.
We are waiting for an urgent response,
God blesses you
Presidenta de BATANG MASAYA